MicroNeedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure that helps minimize the signs of aging, improve the appearance of scars and rejuvenate aging skin.
MicroNeedling with

The procedure is an aesthetic treatment that encourages your skin to revitalize and renew itself naturally. The microneedle device slides along the skin's surface, penetrating the upper layers of the skin. The microneedling prompts the body to create new collagen and elastin fibers. In response to the stimulus, the skin plumps and thickens, reducing the appearance of scars, stretch marks, sun spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.
What you can expect from your SkinPen MicroNeedling procedure
A comfortable experience.
A short procedure time.
Mild post-procedure effects.
Effective on all body parts, including face, neck, and decolletage
Safe for all skin types, light to dark.
Ideal any time of the year.
Little to no downtime.
- Beautiful and lasting results.

For more information on microneedling
request a free consultation online or call/text Ronda at 402-740-0563.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Microneedling?
(Percutaneous Induction Needling, also referred to as PCIT, Percutaneous Collagen Induction Therapy… a.k.a. micro-needling)
SkinPen MicroNeedling is a method of introducing a controlled wound into the skin triggering a release of growth factors, new collagen & elastin. This process causes much less damage to the epidermis than dermal rolling or lasers and other ablative treatments, which helps to protect the new skin cell growth, providing for quicker healing and a much higher success rate.
Who can be treated with Microneedling, and on what areas of the body?
MicroNeedling can be used on all skin types to address a variety of concerns, most all areas of the body can be treated.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically a series of 6 treatments is recommended, depending upon your area of correction or concern. Treatments are usually spaced in 4 week intervals. Patients with deep wrinkles, advanced sun damage, stretch marks, or any type of scars, usually require 6 or more treatments to achieve the desired results.
Will the MicroNeedling procedure hurt?
Most people say they feel almost nothing after having been pretreated with a topical numbing agent.
How long will it take for me to see results from my treatment?
Most all patients see results after the first treatment. Individual results vary depending on individual skin health. It is most common to begin to see true changes or positive results as soon as 1-2 weeks after the first treatment. Many patients comment on positive changes in even less time. Often, change is noted within just a few days!
How long will my MicroNeedling results last?
MicroNeedling produces results through the stimulation of growth factors and collagen, thereby promoting new skin cells to surface. As our skin ages, our collagen production naturally slows down. Your overall result will last longer when using an at-home skin care regimen that includes a daily Retinoid product. New collagen & elastin formation in the skin are documented as visually and measurably improved as much as one year after just one treatment. However, a series of treatments is typically recommended for best results.
What will I look like after my MicroNeedling treatment?
MicroNeedling is considered a no downtime treatment. Immediately after your treatment, your skin will look slightly pink to moderately red.
Can I use Makeup after having my treatment?
Directly after your treatment, we recommend using only mineral-based foundation, as it cannot build bacteria. You may go back to your regular foundation 4 days post-treatment.